Sheep On The Go® resources page available

As you know, is now the place to go for all support information for your Goats On The Go® business. If you haven’t yet created an account there, please do.

What you may not know is that Sheep On The Go® resources are also available at If your affiliate agreement grants you access to the SOTG brand package (all newly signed agreements for 2021 include it), or if you requested and signed the free addendum to your agreement, your FarmLaunch account should now grant you access to the SOTG portion of the site. If it doesn’t, or if you want to be added, contact Aaron.

The SOTG resources are still pretty sparse, but we’ll be building them out in the coming months. However, there is something very valuable to be found in the SOTG portion of — the discount link for the American Solar Grazing Association. Click it and you’ll be able to become an ASGA member at a substantially discounted price, allowing you to create a listing as a solar grazing provider and be placed on the ASGA map.

Even if you’re not ready to do a solar grazing project right now, you should create an ASGA listing if you’re interested in solar grazing projects in the future. Solar farms take time to plan, design, and build so you don’t have to be ready now. You just need to be ready to pitch yourself as the future solution to solar developers’ vegetation management needs!