Potential customer leads for you!

The GOTG website invites customers to add themselves to a contact list if they believe their area is not served by a Goats On The Go® affiliate. Each year after training we post this list for you to review…but this year there’s a catch. To access the list you will need to create an account on FarmLaunch.me.

FarmLaunch is our new catch-all website for Goats On The Go®, Sheep On The Go®, and future brands. This site will serve as your dashboard for accessing information about your affiliate status and resources to use in your business. If you’ve read this far, you’ve already had to create an account and log-in, so congratulations!

Now, back to that customer list. Whenever someone is convinced they don’t have an affiliate to serve them, double check to make sure there really isn’t one nearby. So, if you’ve been an affiliate for a year or more, there probably aren’t any new leads to be mined in the list, but it’s worth a quick peak anyway. If you are a brand new affiliate, you should definitely download the spreadsheet, sort it by state, and check to see if any of those customers are in your territory. The list can be found in the “Business Tools” page of FarmLaunch.me.

When you find an entry in your territory, definitely reach out to them right away! They wanted to hire us in the past, but we were unable to serve them. Keep in mind, though, that it may have been a couple of years since they originally inquired, so you’ll have to explain who you are to jog their memories.

This list is only posted for a couple of months each year after the Affiliate Training & Conference, so please download a copy ASAP!