SOTG Branding & Logos —

Goats On The Go® Logo Downloads

Sheep On The Go® Brand Manual coming soon. Until then, apply same branding concepts to use of SOTG logos and trademarks.

Goats On The Go® Brand Manual



This manual provides guidance for using Goats On The Go, LC’s (GOTG) name and logos - its trademarks - in ways that protect the Goats On The Go® brand and loosely tie GOTG and its licensees together with common expressions of those trademarks. It is not the intent of this manual to establish broad uniformity in all aspects of licensees’ company appearance or promotional efforts.

Trademarks may only be used in association with the products or services for which a license has been granted by GOTG. Any deviation from the standards presented in this manual must receive prior approval from GOTG. When your license agreement and this manual appear to conflict, the provisions of your license agreement shall take precedence.

Consistent application of the guidelines and standards that follow will ensure a strong brand that benefits GOTG and all of of those associated with it. If you have any questions regarding this manual or any of the provisions in it, please call 515-257-6846.

Goats On The Go® Brand Identity

GOTG’s founders have worked hard to establish a positive brand identity. Brand identity is not brand recognition or brand recall, which are measures of how well known a brand is. Instead, brand identity is the public’s perception of who the company is and what its brand represents.

Keep these concepts in mind when representing the brand to protect and enhance our shared identity. Goats On The Go® is...

Professional. Think “high road” when designing a communication or promotional tool. Ensure that accurate spelling and proper grammar are used. Consider every communication or promotional tool to be an opportunity to position the brand as a leader in an unsettled industry, instill confidence among potential customers, and separate ourselves from would-be competitors.

Fun. While professionalism is a high priority, it’s also important that the brand not appear to take itself too seriously. Playfulness is encouraged in communications and promotional items, but the brand should not be presented in a snarky or sarcastic way.

Authentic. The service we provide has real value, and it’s important that targeted grazing not be viewed as a gimmick. Thus, the brand should not be associated with exaggerated claims of effectiveness (“goats only eat unwanted plants”), nor focused on off-point side benefits (“a petting zoo in your backyard”), nor puffed up with lofty idealism (“goats will save the world!”).

Straightforward. The GOTG brand and trademarks were designed to communicate a great deal about the company and its services in-and-of themselves. The use of multiple graphics, extensive text, and word art in conjunction with the brand and trademarks is rarely effective. Of course, this is relative to the type of communication being considered. Brochures definitely call for more copy and images than t-shirts, for example. Before-and-after photos can be particularly effective in many instances. Choose combinations of graphics and words that are appropriate to the context, but always seek to minimize.

Goats On The Go® Brand Name

GOTG’s primary signature is its brand name, Goats On The Go®. Your license agreement requires that the ® symbol be applied to any use of the Goats On The Go® brand name, since the trademark is registered with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). The combination of words, shapes, and colors that together make up the GOTG logo, however, is not yet registered with USPTO. For that reason, the ™ symbol is used at the lower right corner of the logo to tell the world that the logo has trademark protection, even though it is not registered. The logo files you are provided already include the ™ symbol.

In common use in paragraph form, the first letter of each word of the brand name is capitalized and font and font size are selected to be consistent with the paragraph or heading in which the brand name appears. Licensees must capitalize the first letter of each word in the brand name in their own publications.

Because the GOTG brand name is a trademark designed for branding effect, it does not follow the standard rules for capitalization. This goes against the instinct of most writers, including those in the press, who will want to treat the name like a book title and capitalize the first letters of significant words only (i.e. Goats on the Go). This is a minor distinction and writers are unlikely to acknowledge their error, but capitalizing all first letters is preferred. It’s worth a mention to the writer, but probably not more than that. The same attitude should be applied to a writer’s willingness to use the ® symbol — it’s preferable but not critical — when someone else is doing the writing.

Goats On The Go® Logos

Standard Logo

GOTG’s primary logo consists of its brand name, “GOATS ON THE GO,” the colored background behind the name, and the goat icon.

“GOATS ON THE GO” is set in Myriad Pro Black SemiExt type. As expressed in this logo, “GOATS ON THE GO” is a customized arrangement of letters, presented entirely in capitals with “ON” presented in a slightly smaller type than the rest of the letters. No substitute may be made for any component of the logo. Use the three-color version whenever possible.

Standards for Use:

  • Never alter or delete any components of the logo;

  • Do not try to typeset any of the typography comprising the logo;

  • Always use the typography exactly as it is supplied in the logo file;

  • Never alter the size relationship of the components of the logo from their original format;

  • Never use a single component alone as a replacement for the logo, except with express permission from GOTG.

Secondary Logo

This logo, consisting of the goat icon only, has specific applications usually reserved for GOTG. Licensees wanting to use this secondary logo must receive pre-approval of their designs from GOTG.

Protected Area

The protected area can be thought of as an invisible rectangular frame that bounds the outer edges of all components of the logo. The width of this frame is 10% of the width of the logo itself. No other graphic elements such as other logos, type, or photos, may be placed within the protected area except as noted elsewhere in this Brand Manual. No graphic elements should be placed in such a way so as to compete with the logo. The logo must always be readable.

Minimum Size

The logo has been created for maximum readability and clarity. The minimum acceptable width of the standard logo is 1.5 inches. Width-to-height proportions must be retained from the original logo file. Do not attempt to recreate or adjust the size or configuration of any individual logo component.

Using the Brand Name and Logo Together

Licensees should avoid presenting the brand name and logo in a redundant way. Because the standard logo already contains the brand name, it is typically unnecessary to also include the brand name on most communications, at least when the two would be in close proximity to each other. However, it may be appropriate to present the standard logo on a visually prominent portion of the communication and still reference the brand name in paragraph copy elsewhere.

Licensee Descriptors

Licensees must agree with GOTG on a unique descriptor to use in conjunction with the logo and/or brand name in certain situations. Descriptors, usually selected to identify the licensee’s geographic territory, identify licensees as distinct businesses operating independently from Goats On The Go, LC.

When to Use Descriptor

Whether the descriptor is used in any given situation is generally up to the discretion of the affiliate. However, the descriptor must be used in the following circumstances:

  1. On business cards distributed by the affiliate;

  2. On quotes/estimates provided to customers by the affiliate;

  3. On customer contracts and agreements;

  4. On invoices provided to customers by the affiliate.

The point here is to distinguish between independent, local licensees and Goats On The Go, LC with regard to everyday business operations, while still maintaining a unified brand identity for everyone. The descriptor may be used on general promotional materials and other communications, but it is not required.

Descriptor with Logo

Using the standard logo with the licensees’ descriptor beneath is the preferred way to present the relationship between GOTG and the licensee in most cases outside of paragraph form.

  • Descriptor may be placed within the protected area so long as it does not touch, or appear to touch, any component of the logo.

  • Descriptor may not exceed the width of the standard logo, but it may occupy multiple lines if necessary. It may be centered on the logo, centered on the logo’s green block, or right-justified relative to the logo.

  • The font size of the descriptor must not exceed that of any of the type in the standard logo and must be visually subordinate to the type in the logo.

  • Descriptor may be presented in any principal or secondary color noted in this manual, and in any complimentary type noted in this manual.

  • If the descriptor is the name of a place, it may be followed by the appropriate state name. Do not abbreviate the state name.

Descriptor without Logo

Using the written brand name with the licensee’s descriptor is necessary in paragraph form, and may be preferable in other situations. For example, the logo may take up too much space for some promotional applications, but presenting the brand in an eye catching way (as opposed to plain, black type) is still desired.

When used in paragraph form, the descriptor must follow the brand name on the same line. The descriptor must be the same font, color, and size as the brand name, which should also be consistent with the paragraph or heading in which the brand name appears.

Goats On The Go® Quad Cities

Goats On The Go® Prairie Lakes

Goats On The Go® Ames

Outside of paragraph form (e.g. signs, promotional materials), descriptor must be written beneath the brand name (left or right-justified, or centered) in a font size at least four points smaller than the brand name, ensuring that the descriptor is visually subordinate to the brand name. The brand name must be presented in black, GOTG Green, or GOTG Blue and in Myriad Pro font (or Arimo or Open Sans if Myriad Pro is not available). The descriptor may be presented in any principal or secondary color noted in this manual, and in any complimentary font noted in this manual.

Color and Typography


GOTG has no specific typography requirements outside of those previously mentioned in this document. Indeed, the unique typography chosen by individual affiliates can be useful for distinguishing between the affiliate and Goats On The Go, LC in the minds of customers. However, we recommend the use of simple, casual-but-professional, sans-serif fonts such as Calibri, Arial, Courier, and Verdana. Myriad Pro should be reserved for the logo and presenting the brand name in place of the logo and should not be used in paragraph copy.


Consistent color is essential to the Goats On The Go® identity. The standard Goats On the Go® logo is to appear in the principal colors GOTG green, GOTG blue, and black. Never substitute other colors. Process builds for the principal colors are shown below. Also shown below are recommended secondary colors. These colors should not be used to replace any of the primary colors in the logo. These secondary colors simply form a complimentary palette to be used in promotional communications.