Affiliate store is in full summer mode!

We’re always trying to keep the affiliate store full of fresh branded apparel. The most recent additions are sun shirts, both long and short-sleeved, with women’s cuts available. Sun hats, caps, and other lightweight gear abound! Check it out at or by clicking the button.

Check this out...not-so-positive study about goat grazing

Usually the “Check this out…” portion of the quarterly Affiliate Notes newsletter is something positive to get excited about. Unfortunately that’s not the case this time.

This study from a grad student at the University of Minnesota is being used by the University in advisory publications to pan the practice of goat grazing for invasive plant management. We’re currently digesting the study, but it appears that the study itself is not so much the problem. The biggest issue seems to be the big leaps taken by “A guide to forest understory revegetation” in referencing the study to justify recommendations against the use of goats that the study doesn’t really support.

We’ve already been contacted by a scientist who is critical of the study, and we may compose a response to address some of the study’s weaknesses. If you’d like to be involved, read the study and the guide and send your feedback to Aaron Steele at

New affiliate training with hands-on session scheduled for fall!

We’re trying something new! Goats On The Go® will be offering a fresh version of Basic Training for affiliates on September 13-14. Even though all current affiliates have already attended Basic Training, you should think about attending this one. To explain why, check out Aaron Steele’s favorite article format, the FAQ.

Q: Why is GOTG holding a training in the fall?

A: Every summer we hear from lots of people who want to become affiliates, but we tend to lose them when they find out they have to wait until the following March to begin. A fall training gives them the opportunity to get started during the current growing season. An additional training option also gives those affiliates who are behind on their training requirement an opportunity to catch up.

Q: How is the fall training different than the spring training?

A: Because we won’t have to work around Iowa’s unpredictable March weather or our annual one-day conference, the fall training will include a half-day of classroom training and a half-day of hands-on training. That means we’ll be outside actually practicing with portable fencing, and we’ll be working with real, live goats!

Q: What kinds of things will be covered in the hands-on session?

A. We’re planning to practice fence setups in both open and rough terrain, do some electric fence troubleshooting, and address low-stress goat handling, trailer loading, hoof trimming, and a basic introduction to FAMACHA evaluation, plus more!

Q: Why would I want to attend if I’ve already been to the Basic Training?

A: Your affiliate agreement requires you to attend a training event twice during your first two-year term and every-other year thereafter. You can always satisfy that requirement at no cost simply by re-taking the spring Basic Training, but much of it will be a rerun for you. The new format of the fall training should give you a fresh experience and teach you new things. Plus, if Basic Training or the Annual Conference the first weekend of March 2025 comes at a bad time for you, this would be a great substitute.

A final note for those of you who attended your first training in March 2024: many second year affiliates have reported to us that the training had its greatest impact the second time around, after they had a season of business under their belts. You could have that same experience and satisfy the training requirement for the entirety of your first contract term by joining us this fall!

Q: What are the dates of the fall training, and where is it?

A: The fall training is September 13 - 14 in West Des Moines, Iowa. The classroom portion will be on the afternoon of September 13 at West48 (our usual spot). The hands-on session will be held the morning of September 14 at River Heights Ranch in nearby Dallas Center, Iowa (about a 30 minute drive from West48).

Q: Is there a cost to attend?

A: Yes. As you can imagine it’s not cheap to secure two different locations and manage all the logistics of something like this. For existing affiliates the registration fee will be $300. As always, you can bring as many members of your family or team as you like for one registration fee.

Q: How do I register and get more information?

A: Everything you need is on Please register no later than September 1 if you plan to attend. A special rate has been secured for GOTG affiliates at the nearby Sheraton West Des Moines. Use the link on to make your reservation.

Optional Affiliate Call-In, August 6, 7 p.m.

We’re passing the midpoint of the grazing season for many affiliates, so it’s a great time to get together virtually to compare notes. Join us by Zoom at 7 p.m. CST on August 6 for this optional, completely casual meet-up.

We may have a few announcements, but beyond that the direction of the discussion is completely up to you. Bring your questions, observations, and advice for your fellow GOTG affiliates.

Please register for this meetup so we know how many people to expect. Registering will also put the connection information in your email inbox.

See you there!

Additional basic training scheduled

Are you due to attend a training in 2024, but you missed the annual Affiliate Training & Conference on March 1-2? You’re in luck! We have a couple of brand spankin’ new affiliates who need the Basic Training so we’re going to be holding an additional session on May 6 at West48 in West Des Moines, Iowa.

Even if you’re not required to attend another training, any affiliate is welcome to participate. We have space for about six to eight more attendees. In addition to getting a second shot at stuff you might have missed on the first go ‘round, this training comes with the opportunity to get outside and actually look at some vegetation and practice installing fencing (weather permitting).

If you’re interested, drop Aaron an email at for more details.

New branded apparel for spring and summer!

Get your summer goat gear!

The affiliate store has new items available as we head into the grazing season. New hats and sun shirts will keep you from burning without greasy sunscreen, and I (Aaron) am particularly excited about the logo sling pack. I’ve taken to using something like it for holding my wallet, keys, phone, ear buds, and a small first aid kit while I move fence and handle goats. All of the these important items are kept close at hand without weighing down my pockets or getting soaked with sweat.

Does it look a little like a purse? Yes. Do I care? I’m a goat guy. I’m immune to ridicule.

Your website listings are getting a facelift

In an effort to clarify the Goats On The Go® brand message and make our affiliate structure less confusing to customers, your listings on and your profile pages will be soon be seeing some changes. These changes will be rolling out over the next several weeks. Here’s what you can expect.

Directory Listings

The goal: Help customers find “their affiliate” first by state and then by place. We do this by grouping affiliates together by state, and by listing several recognizable communities that are scattered across each territory to serve as geographic “anchors.” We want customers scrolling through all the affiliates in their state to say, “Oh, that city is near where I live. That must be the affiliate I need to contact.” Then, the customer can click the live-linked name of the people operating the territory to be taken to the affiliate’s profile page for more information.

The change: The anchor community names will remain, but they will be listed below the name of the affiliate territory, which contains the affiliate’s local descriptor. The territory name will now be the thing customers click to link to the affiliate’s profile page. This change emphasizes the GOTG-branded territory and makes it clearer where users should click to take the next step. The names of the people operating each territory will no longer be listed in the state-by-state directory since that information is not helpful to most customers during the early stages of their search. The graphics below to show how the Dubuque Iowa territory operated by Cox Springs Farm (Peg and Tim Harbaugh) looks in the directory before and after the change.



Keep in mind: The places listed in the directory listings are not intended to be a comprehensive list of all communities each affiliate serves, but only to provide a quick reference point for the breadth of each territory. We took our best guess at what community names would serve as landmarks in your area, but we don’t have your local knowledge. If you would like different communities listed (usually three and no more than four), contact Olivia at

Profile Pages

The goal: Introduce customers to “their affiliate” and make it convenient for customers to contact them. This is intended to be a more personal step in the process of matching customers to affiliates. The profile page is also an opportunity to help people understand they will be working with a local service provider operating under the GOTG brand, not with an anonymous national company. Finally, the profile page displays a more comprehensive — but still brief — description of the affiliate’s service area, a link to a map showing the boundaries of the service area, and potentially a link to the affiliate’s outside website.

The change: The headline of the profile page will continue to be the GOTG territory name (which includes the local affiliate descriptor). Now, however, the line below the territory name will begin with “Operated by…” Each affiliate may now choose to insert their own name OR the name of their business entity. For example, “Operated by Peg and Tim Harbaugh” or “Operated by Cox Springs Farm, LLC.”



Keep in mind: By default we will show your personal name as the operator of your territory. If you would like to use a farm name or business entity name, please contact However, if you choose to put a snazzy company or farm name on your profile page, that does not mean you can offer your grazing service under that brand instead of GOTG. Your affiliate agreement requires you to only offer targeted grazing services as Goats On The Go®. For the purposes of legal contracts, invoices, and bank accounts Peg and Tim can be “Goats On The Go® Dubuque operated by Cox Springs Farm, LLC,” or “Cox Springs Farm, LLC doing business as Goats On The Go® Dubuque.” But for all marketing, promotions, and public relations related to targeted grazing, affiliates must present themselves as Goats On The Go® followed by their local descriptor (e.g. Goats On The Go® Dubuque). Same goes for links from profile pages to social media accounts or outside websites. If you have a company/farm name or brand, it must ALWAYS be subordinate to the Goats On The Go® brand when targeted grazing services are being offered!!! If you need advice on how and where to draw the line, contact Aaron at

URL Slugs

The goal: Create a website address that helps us organize affiliate profile pages efficiently. You know that extension that hangs off the end of a website address, like, “”? That is a URL slug. In the past we’ve always used the last names of affiliates as the URL slug.

The change: URL slugs will now be individual territory descriptors. So, Peg and Tim Harbaugh’s profile page will no longer be found at Instead it will be If your territory descriptor is more than one word, it will be compressed with no spaces, dashes, or underscores. For example, Goats On The Go® Cedar Valley’s URL will become

Keep in mind: We’re making this change to be territory specific rather than person specific. That way if an affiliate withdraws from GOTG and a new one takes over the territory, there will be some continuity both internally and for our customers. This is also why we don’t allow business or farm names to be the URL slug. It’s worth noting that potential customers are unlikely to type in an entire URL into their internet search engines to find you anyway. Rather, they will simply type “Goats On The Go” or “goats go dubuque” or “go goats iowa,” all of produce search results with GOTG at the top of the list! Therefore, we recommend against trying to get your customers to memorize your URL and slug. It’s a losing battle. Instead, rely on the search engine optimization (SEO) we’re doing for you in the background!

Other Changes

We’re working to reformat and standardize a few other things on the website as well. In several places on the website customers will now be presented with the statement, “Service may be extended to other locations in the region on a case-by-case basis.” This will encourage customers to reach out to nearby affiliates even if their properties fall outside the boundaries of every affiliate territory on the map (remember, affiliates must get authorization from Aaron before pursuing out-of-territory leads).

We’re also working hard to update our SEO settings, which will impact how each affiliates’ listings appear to customers in Internet search results. This should help more customers find their particular affiliate without necessarily landing on the home page first.

Questions? Some of this is pretty technical, so don’t hesitate to reach out to with questions. If you’d rather just ignore these details, you can rest assured that everything we do is intended to make you more recognizable and findable as a Goats On The Go@ targeted grazing operator!

Large project training sessions coming up

If you’ve never taken large project training before, and you’d like to be eligible to do projects that are 10 acres in size or larger, plan to tune in to one of our upcoming Zoom calls on April 10 or April 29 at 7 p.m. Central.

Attendance is optional, but it is required before pursuing large targeted grazing projects. The training will take no more than 90 minutes. There is no charge to attend, but please register for either of the sessions using the following buttons.

Large projects logistics and pricing are quite different than projects under 10 acres. Here’s what the training will cover:

  • Herd size and grazing speed;

  • Risks unique to large projects;

  • Pricing and profitability considerations unique to large projects;

  • Labor inputs;

  • Paddock planning;

  • Loading and transportation with a large herd.

And more! See you there!

Check this out: our guest speaker on the Farm Dog podcast!

Did you know that Bill Costanzo, livestock guardian dog researcher at Texas A&M, is the guest speaker at the Goats On The Go® Affiliate Conference on Saturday, March 2? Did you also know that Bill has been featured several times on Farm Dog, a podcast hosted by GOTG’s Aaron Steele?

If you’d like a primer on the kind of research Bill has been doing, check out episodes 8, 37, 60, and 61 of the podcast by clicking the button below (or by searching “Farm Dog” on your favorite podcast app). Take notes and jot down your questions so you can get them answered, live and in person, on Saturday!

What if I have to miss the March Training & Conference?

The Goats On The Go® affiliate network gets bigger every year, so every year there are more issues that arise regarding the training requirement in the affiliate agreement. “What if I can’t make it to West Des Moines on that one-and-only date in March?” “Why do I have to attend in person?” “What are the consequences if I don’t keep up my training?”

These are excellent questions, with equally good answers, so we’ll address them in GOTG’s favorite format: the FAQ.

Q: I’m a new affiliate and I’ve run into an immovable conflict with the March 1 Basic Training. What should I do?
A: New affiliates in the first year of their contracts must attend the Basic Training in person before offering Goats On The Go® services to customers. We’re pretty hard core about that. But, we understand that life is also hard core, and things happen. The most important thing is that you communicate with us, as far in advance as possible, about the conflict. In most situations we will find a way to get you trained, but we can’t guarantee that the alternative is going to be as convenient, inexpensive, effective, or fun as attending “the main event” on the first weekend of March.

Q: I’ve done the Basic Training before, and this is not my first rodeo. Why do I have to attend a training event again?
A: GOTG’s affiliate contracts mandate a schedule of ongoing training (attendance at an approved training event required in years 1 and 2, and every-other-year thereafter) for a couple of reasons. First, GOTG exercises almost no control over the day-to-day operations of affiliates as they provide grazing services under the Goats On The Go® brand. It’s important that affiliates are continually and repeatedly presented with best practices and lessons learned from the experiences of others. Constant learning and communication help to ensure that the public image of the Goats On The Go® brand is protected.

Second, the market for targeted grazing and GOTG’s position in it is constantly changing. What was true a couple of years ago isn’t necessarily true today. We strive to keep you up-to-date on important developments in the industry and on complimentary agricultural issues. We utilize many different means of communication, but training events remain our best and most effective opportunity to get you the information you need.

Q: Okay, I understand the need for training, but why in-person? Couldn’t we do this by Zoom for a lot less money and less hassle?
A: Goats On The Go® is not just a brand, it’s also a community. One of the most valuable things about being a GOTG affiliate is the interaction with other affiliates. We believe this community can be nurtured with tools like Zoom and the Affiliate Facebook Group, but it’s built on real person-to-person engagement at GOTG training events. There’s just something about being physically together that fosters civil, genuine, edifying relationships that can continue remotely throughout the rest of the year.

Traveling is expensive in both dollars and time. We understand that. That’s why affiliates can always satisfy their training requirement at no cost (other than their travel) by attending the Basic Training the first weekend of March. Yes, it will be a bit of a rerun after your first year, but the content changes over time as we hear back from affiliates about their needs. And, many affiliates report back to us that some of the information they thought they absorbed from the training in their first year didn’t really “click” with them until they heard it a second time with the benefit of some real world experience.

Finally, if you’re not interested in taking the Basic Training again, the Conference on the second day of the March event remains a great value. For a small registration fee that covers your entire team, you get to hear from excellent guest speakers, fellow affiliates, and GOTG leadership, all while contributing your own experience to the valuable learning and networking that happens there.

Q: What happens if I get off-schedule with my training? Will my affiliate contract be voided?
A: Assuming you’ve attended Basic Training in the past, you have a history of paying your fees on time, you’ve communicated proactively about your obstacles to attending training, and you’ve generally represented the GOTG brand well, we’re not likely to send you a default letter because you’re a little behind on training.

However, you may not be eligible to access new benefits and opportunities as they come along in the future until you’re caught up. What benefits and opportunities? Let’s take a purely fictional example. Suppose we decided to offer affiliates a “pay as you go” option for paying affiliate fees. Instead of paying the full sum at the beginning of the year, GOTG takes a percentage of the revenue from each of the affiliate’s grazing projects until the full fee is paid. This very attractive — and fictional — option might only be open to affiliates who have checked all the boxes for paying on time, maintaining their required training, etc. One could imagine all sorts of good things that might pop up, so it it would be wise to stay in a position to take advantage of them!

Q: Besides the main Affiliate Training & Conference that happens every year on the first Friday and Saturday of March, are there any other events that would satisfy the contractual training requirement?
A: Yes! We highly value getting lots of affiliates together in person at the main event in March, but we also want to give people some flexibility. Additionally, some events offered by select third parties would greatly benefit affiliates’ businesses. Rather than reinvent the wheel, we would consider attendance at certain non-GOTG events to satisfy the contractual training requirement. Here are the additional training options for 2024:

  • Solar Farm Summit, Chicago, IL, July 8-10, registration open now, $550 per person (must include educational sessions)

  • Oklahoma State University Meat Goat Boot Camp, Ada, OK, October 21-23, registration open April 1, $200 per person

  • (Tentative) Goats On The Go® “Quick Start” Affiliate Basic Training, late July or early August, fee to be decided

That last one is still just a concept, but it’s nearing reality. It’s intended to train new affiliates who sign on during the summer and don’t want to wait until spring of the following year to start their Goats On The Go® grazing businesses. It will also be a good option for experienced affiliates who missed the March event and need to fulfill their training requirement. However, there will be a registration fee for this one and there will not be a conference associated with it. March is still your best option for the broadest, newest content and the lowest cost.

Q: If I’ve attended the Basic Training in the past, and I want to get credit for attending one of the new options, what should I do?
A: Contact Aaron Steele at to talk through it. Also, watch for a more detailed policy to be ready by June 1. It will be posted on the Affiliate Facebook Group and on

Affiliate Social: networking for people who hate networking

Do you hate the idea of “networking?” When you hear the word do you envision putting on a fake smile and psyching yourself up to approach a stranger with a business card and some lame small talk? Me too.

Fortunately, that’s not what the GOTG Affiliate Social on Friday night, March 1 is about. Instead, think of it as a group of friends you haven’t met yet, who all share the same interests as you! You can talk about goats endlessly with this crowd and no one will think you’re crazy!

The Affiliate Social serves several important purposes:

  1. It allows conversations that were started earlier in the day at the Basic Training to continue;

  2. It makes a fun transition from Friday’s brain-wrinkling rush of business information to Saturday’s wide-ranging conference content;

  3. It introduces new affiliates to more experienced ones just rolling into town for Saturday’s conference;

  4. It allows attendees to talk goats to their hearts’ content…with a beer!

The social is extremely casual, and it begins right after the Basic Training at 5 p.m. in the same venue (West48). If your kids are traveling with you and you can pull them away from the hotel pool, they’re welcome to attend the social. The venue includes ping pong, fooseball, and other games that go well with kids and casual conversation.

If you didn’t include the Affiliate Social when you registered, it’s not too late! Just click the button below to return to the registration system on and punch in your details. We’d love to see you there!

2024 affiliate fees and contracts due soon

If you are not a brand new GOTG affiliate, by now you should have received an email nudge to take one of the following actions for 2024:

  1. Let Aaron Steele know that you plan to take advantage of the one-year extended term built into your affiliate agreement, which would then be followed by an email with a link to arrange payment of your 2024 affiliate fee; or,

  2. Sign a new affiliate agreement if your previous agreement expired at the end of 2023, which would then be followed by an email with a payment link; or,

  3. Pay your 2024 affiliate fee using the payment link that was sent to you if you have at least one more year left on your current agreement.

2024 affiliate fees are due January 15, so don’t delay! Without a valid agreement and full payment you will lose access to all the resources available on on January 16, including the ability to plan and register for the 2024 Affiliate Training & Conference.

If you have any questions or need any clarification, contact Aaron at

Thanks for taking action soon!

Check this out: Guest speaker set for 2024 GOTG Conference

Bill Costanzo, Texas A&M AgriLife

We’re extremely excited to have Bill Costanzo, livestock researcher at Texas A&M AgriLife, as our guest speaker this year! Bill is a great guy and frequent guest on the Farm Dog podcast. His program is perhaps the only formal research effort helping farmers and ranchers find more success with livestock guardian dogs. His studies address the common on-the-ground challenges that goat and sheep producers face with their protection dogs.

How do I keep my dogs from wandering? How do I feed them out on the pasture? What’s the best way to bond them to the herd when they are puppies? How do I know if the dogs are doing good work? These topics and more are the focus of Bill’s professional life, and he’ll share his expertise with us on March 2 in West Des Moines.

Click below for more information about the 2024 Affiliate Training & Conference, and to register. Remember, you can bring as many representatives from your farm/grazing business as you like to the conference on March 2 for one registration fee! And, as always, the first day of the training and the all-affiliate social on March 1 are free to all!

Complete your easy annual report by February 15!

Any GOTG affiliate who operated in 2023 is required by contract to complete an annual report. Sounds scary and time consuming doesn’t it? It’s not!

All you have to do is click the button below and answer the poll questions, which are focused on the types of customers you served in 2023 and how many acres you grazed for each type. What do we mean by “types of customers?” Think back to your GOTG Basic Training when we discussed the concept of “market segmentation.” Or, if remembering things is too heavy of a lift this soon after the holidays, click here for a refresher. You’ll be taken to the market segmentation resource on, so you’ll have to sign in to view it.

It might help to have access to your customer invoices as you complete the poll. But, if you find yourself spending hours digging through records and sweating over the details, you’re overthinking it. This poll should take no more than 20 minutes! Provide the best answers you can, but don’t worry about extreme precision.

We use this information to continually gauge how well we understand GOTG’s customers, and to train new affiliates how to approach their business launch. It is extremely valuable, and it’s required, so please set aside a little time to complete the report by February 15.

Thank you!

Ask Margaret anything...New Year Edition, this Friday!

We try to have informal, optional video call-ins several times a year so you can chat with other affiliates (sort-of) in person, and get answers to your questions from a Goats On The Go, LC representative. These are usually led by Margaret Chamas, our resident goat expert and former goat grazing affiliate. Thus, “Ask Margaret Anything!”

Margaret will host a call-in this Friday, January 5, at 7 p.m. Central. All topics are up for grabs, but here are some timely things we’ll likely discuss:

  • Information about the upcoming Affiliate Training & Conference in West Des Moines, Iowa, March 1-2;

  • If you’re a new affiliate, how to make use of GOTG’s resources between now and the training event;

  • Off-season business development — winter promotions, site visits, securing projects in advance;

  • Plus, anything you want to talk about!

So, pour yourself a drink, grab a stale Christmas cookie, and settle in next to your computer. See you Friday!

Check this out: The Secret to Making Better Marketing Decisions

When you’re considering spending some money to promote your targeted grazing business, does it seem like you’re just throwing stuff at the wall to see what sticks?

In this episode of the Business Made Simple podcast, host Donald Miller talks with his own company’s Director of Marketing about how she uses the ICE Method to sort through all the marketing options to find promotions that have the most ideal combinations of Impact, Confidence, and Ease.

This is a great method because it’s simple and not overly-reliant on data that require lots of time, money, and expertise to gather and analyze. It’s intuitive enough that any business can add some basic analytic structure to its marketing decision-making.

Find Business Made Simple on any podcast app, or click right to the episode using the button below.

This brand is our brand, this brand is your brand

“I have a great name for a goat grazing business, and I’ve already created the logo/purchased the URL/created an LLC. Do I have to use the Goats On The Go® brand if I become an affiliate? Can I cross-promote with my own brand?”

These are common questions from potential affiliates as they consider joining Goats On The Go®, and they’re also some of the most difficult to answer in a way that leaves all parties with shared expectations going forward. Why? Because the differences between what is allowed by the affiliate agreement and what is not are subtle. So in the interest of clearing up confusion and avoiding conflict, here is a Q&A you can refer to whenever you’re unsure.

Q: Why is it important to use and protect the Goats On The Go® brand?

A: There is tremendous value in lots of tiny companies banding together to offer their services under a single brand. If done well, all of the companies sharing the brand benefit from goodwill and positive exposure built up collectively by all the affiliates. We have a “brand identity” established in the marketplace — a momentum that can carry us all forward and give us an edge over our competitors. By becoming an affiliate you told us you want in on that.

Q: Cut to the chase. Can I use my brand or not?

A: The quickest, simplest answer is “no” — at least not for the purpose of offering and providing a targeted grazing service to customers. When you signed your affiliate agreement you got access to lots of information, training, and support, but at the core of the agreement you signed-on to license the use of the Goats On The Go® brand for your targeted grazing business.

Q: Okay, but just because I paid for the right to use the Goats On The Go® brand doesn’t mean I have to use it, right?

A: You’re right, sort of. You don’t have to promote, offer, or deliver a targeted grazing service with the Goats On The Go® brand. We don’t require you to make a dime. But, when you became an affiliate you agreed not to compete with Goats On The Go®. If you promote, offer, or deliver a targeted grazing service under another brand name you will be competing with Goats On The Go® (paragraph 3a in most of your agreements).

Q: What if my brand isn’t about targeted grazing, but it’s sort of related?

A: It depends on what “sort of related” means, but here’s a common example. An affiliate owns a farm that raises goats. They use the goats for a targeted grazing service which is offered and delivered under the Goats On The Go® brand. So far, so good. They also invite customers to their farm for goat petting, goat yoga, and goat hikes, often using the same goats used in their targeted grazing service. They promote and sell the goat-aided relaxation services to customers using the brand “Easy Goats It.” All good. Because the “Easy Goats It” brand hasn’t been used to offer or deliver a targeted grazing service, the brand doesn’t compete with Goats On The Go®.

Q: Can I cross-promote my brand with Goats On The Go®?

A: Yes, as long as your brand is complimentary to — not competitive with — Goats On The Go®. Let’s continue with the previous example. “Easy Goats It” has a website that gets lots of traffic from stressed out people who think goats walking on their backs during a yoga session will help them unwind. These people also tend to have wealth and own property, so the affiliate decides to promote their Goats On The Go® targeted grazing service on the “Easy Goats It” website. Again, no problem because they are distinct services offered under distinct brands. The services are simply sharing space on the same website. We’d recommend putting the services under unique menu buttons to avoid customer confusion, but otherwise there are no issues.

Q: Can I bundle all my goat-related or farm-related businesses under the Goats On The Go® brand?

A: No. You can cross-promote as described in the previous answer, but section 1 of your affiliate agreement grants a license to use the Goats On The Go® brand only for targeted grazing services. You might have two-sided business cards with one brand on each side, or hold an open house where you’re handing out brochures for every business you’re involved in, but the GOTG brand needs to be clearly — and only — attached to your targeted grazing service.

Q: The legal name of my business is “Acme Goat Grazing, LLC.” That’s the name on my bank account, that’s the name on my insurance policy, that’s the name I file my taxes with. Are you telling me I can’t offer targeted grazing as Acme Goat Grazing?

A: Let’s distinguish between a brand and a business entity. Sometimes they are the same and interchangeable, sometimes not. They don’t need to be. The business entity is necessary for all sorts of official business dealings, but the brand is designed for offering, promoting, and delivering a specific product or service. For example, the company Proctor & Gamble doesn’t promote any products under that name but you will immediately recognize the names (and even envision the logos) of dozens of brands that P&G owns — Pampers, Tide, Bounty, Charmin, Gillette, Old Spice, Febreeze…the list goes on and on.

You can do the same with your business entity. You can be “Acme Goat Grazing, LLC DBA Goats On The Go® Atlantis.” DBA means Doing Business As. Check your state’s regulations regarding the setup of a DBA, but it may be as simple as filling out a card at your bank to ensure that customer checks written to Goats On The Go® Atlantis get deposited in Acme’s account.

Q: I already created a website for Acme Goat Grazing, LLC. What now?

A: It doesn’t matter that your website is paid for with Acme’s credit card or that it says “Copyright 2023 Acme Goat Grazing, LLC” in the footer. All that matters is how the targeted grazing service is presented. When in doubt, ask yourself this question: “When a potential customer views my website, will they believe they are hiring Goats On The Go® Atlantis or Acme Goat Grazing?” We’re going for the former, not the latter. You have access to Goats On The Go®’s logos, Brand Manual, and professional photo portfolio. Use them to make the brand prominent on your site.

Q: I already created social media accounts for Acme Goat Grazing, LLC. What now?

A: This one is a little more gray. We understand that as the GOTG affiliate network has grown, more and more iterations of “GoatsOnTheGo” have been snatched up for social media handles. If you want to use your business entity name for your social media accounts instead of some version of “GoatsOnTheGo” we ask you to find other ways to draw attention to the fact that your targeted grazing service is offered as an affiliate of Goats On The Go®. Start by using the Goats On The Go® logo as your profile graphic. In your bio say something to the effect of “Acme Goat Grazing, LLC is a proud affiliate of Goats On The Go®.” Use “#GoatsOnTheGo” at the end of your posts. Add the GOTG logo to the corner of photos you post. Finally, link to or to your own website that clearly brands your service as Goats On The Go® (see question above). There’s no exact recipe here, but we want to see a good faith effort to embrace and promote the Goats On The Go® brand.

Q: I’m all in on using the Goats On The Go® brand! Are there any best practices or common mistakes I should be aware of?

A: If you read and follow the guidelines in the Brand Manual, you should be good. You can even print out a copy of the manual to give to your print shop or graphic designer. Still, we do see some common mistakes that you’ll want to avoid:

  1. Crowding the logo. Respect the logo’s space! Don’t put other words or graphic components too close to the logo. Think of the logo as a photo on the wall with a thick, transparent frame around it that cannot be touched by anything else on the wall. Details in the Brand Manual.

  2. Dismantling the logo. Accept our logos for who they are! Download the logo files from and use them as they come. If you scale them up or down, do so without changing the proportions. Do not separate the goat from its environment of green block and blue words. This will make the goat very sad (and it’s a practice reserved for Goats On The Go, LC and its founders).

  3. Dropping your caps and R’s. When writing the brand name in text, always capitalize the first letter of each word and use the ® registered trademark symbol [Goats On The Go®]. Your English teacher would cringe, saying that “on” and “the” are not important words and should not be capitalized, but you never really liked your English teacher anyway, right?

Thank you all for doing your best to promote and advance the brand we share!

Save the date for the 2024 Training & Conference!

Dates have been set for Goats On The Go®’s annual Affiliate Training & Conference in 2024 in West Des Moines, Iowa, so enter these essentials into your calendar:

  1. Basic Training, Friday, March 1, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. All new affiliates must attend this in-person training before they can begin operating their targeted grazing businesses. Non-new affiliates are welcome and encouraged to attend. Your ongoing training requirement can be satisfied by attending this free event (even though you attended in the past).

  2. All-Affiliate Social, Friday, March 1, 5 p.m. - 7 p.m. — All affiliates are invited to share drinks, snacks, and conversation courtesy of Goats On The Go®.

  3. Affiliate Conference, Saturday, March 2, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. — This event will include at least one guest speaker, experienced affiliates sharing their knowledge, and presentations on a broad range of topics that impact Goats On The Go® operators. The registration fee has not yet been determined, but in 2023 it cost $200 per affiliate for an unlimited number of representatives to attend.

All events will be held at West48 Conference Center in West Des Moines, Iowa. More details to come!

Remember, all affiliate agreements require in-person attendance at a training event in the first two years and every-other-year thereafter. We may add other events that satisfy the training requirement in the future, but this one — held annually during the first weekend of March — is the only one we promise will be available.

Contractual obligations aside, it’s a ton of fun to have a large group of like-minded professionals together in the same room, all pushing toward the same goal — to own successful, profitable, targeted grazing businesses! We’re looking forward to seeing you there!

New logo apparel and accessories for fall/winter

There’s a chill in the air (at least here in Iowa), and you may be thinking, “I don’t have anything warm to wear with the Goats On The Go® logo on it.” Or, maybe you’ve mused to yourself, “Wouldn’t it be nice to curl up with a cup of coffee and a GOTG microfleece blanket?” You might even have wished, “If only I had a tote bag with which to carry a GOTG-branded Long Sleeve Baby Rib Bodysuit for the new infant in my life...”

Okay, that last one’s a stretch, but the point is this: you can still promote Goats On The Go® with your wardrobe when the temperature drops! There is lots of new logo gear on the affiliate store at! Hoodies, crew neck sweatshirts, jackets, totes, knit caps, and blankets abound!

Keep yourself warm this winter with GOTG gear, and consider giving some away as a thank you to your customers. Click the button to be taken directly to the store, or access it through under the heading “Goats On The Go® Affiliates > Store.”