Goats On The Go® Business Tools
Confidential Information for Goats On The Go® affiliates only! You are not required to use any of these resources (except as noted in your affiliate agreement), and none of the information here should be interpreted as legal advice.
If you have questions about any of this information, please call or email Goats On The Go, LC at 515-257-6846 or info@GoatsOnTheGo.com.
2025 Affiliate Basic Training Presentation
Unserved Customers (updated 3/13/24)
Customer Site Visit Guide Template
(requires free Canva account to edit)
Customer Email Templates
(common customer interactions)
Small Job Profit Projection Calculator
(less than 10 acres)
Large Job Profit Projection Calculator
(10 acres or more)
Warning Sign Template
(requires free Canva account to edit)
"What to Expect" for small projects
Disclaimers for customers on projects under 10 acres
"What to Expect" for large projects
Disclaimers for customers on projects 10 acres or larger
Model Bid Specs
For public or not-for-profit organizations considering grazing
Real World Bid Package
Actual bid package from a public agency in MN
Job Announcement Sample (for hiring help)
Helpful Apps and Tools
Simple layout app for business cards, brochures, signs, etc.
Online bookkeeping app that includes quoting and invoicing. “Freemium” model offers a lot with free account.
Free Map Tools
Online mapping tool that does a few things well, like calculating area of a shape you draw on a map — sometimes better than Google Maps or Google Earth.
Organizational software that is useful for tracking the progress of customer leads, scheduling, and lots of other stuff. Similar to a “kanban board.”
Google Docs
Free word processing, presentation, and spreadsheet software.
Automation tool that allows many of the apps in this list to talk to each other. Kind of nerdy, but super valuable for reclaiming time from repetitive tasks.
Digital note taking tool with lots of uses. Pair with iPhone app, Scannable, to quickly scan and upload business receipts. Evernote can search the text on photos!
GPS Fields Area Measure
One of many smart phone apps that are useful for walking the boundaries of grazing paddocks to determine the area. If this one doesn’t trip your trigger, search for “planimeter” in the Apple or Google app stores.
HireGoats.com (and HireSheep.com)
Don’t pay to be listed on these directories! A listing has been purchased for you by Goats On The Go, LC.