Large project training sessions coming up

If you’ve never taken large project training before, and you’d like to be eligible to do projects that are 10 acres in size or larger, plan to tune in to one of our upcoming Zoom calls on April 10 or April 29 at 7 p.m. Central.

Attendance is optional, but it is required before pursuing large targeted grazing projects. The training will take no more than 90 minutes. There is no charge to attend, but please register for either of the sessions using the following buttons.

Large projects logistics and pricing are quite different than projects under 10 acres. Here’s what the training will cover:

  • Herd size and grazing speed;

  • Risks unique to large projects;

  • Pricing and profitability considerations unique to large projects;

  • Labor inputs;

  • Paddock planning;

  • Loading and transportation with a large herd.

And more! See you there!