Affiliate contracts and fees due January 15

Look at all that vegetation that needs your goats!

A critical date for your Goats On The Go® targeted grazing business is fast approaching! January 15 is important for two reasons:

  1. If you are in the midst of a current contract term, your annual affiliate fee is due by the 15th;

  2. If your affiliate contract ended in 2024, January 15 ends the “in-between period” during which we hold your territory open for you should you want to renew your affiliate contract.

If number 1, above, applies to you, you should have an invoice for the 2025 fee in your email inbox. Please pay it by January 15 to avoid late fees. Remember, even if you choose not to operate your business in 2025, you are still obligated by the contract you signed to pay the 2025 fee.

If number 2 applies to you, you should have an email with a link to a new contract. If you plan to continue with GOTG in 2025, please sign the contract ASAP. We’ll then send you an invoice for your affiliate fee. If you don’t plan to continue in 2025, we’d appreciate a heads-up. Just send Aaron Steele an email (

If you’d like more time to think about renewing your contract, please contact Aaron. He would also be happy to talk through the decision with you. Without communication, however, your business may be removed from the Goats On The Go® website and your access to Goats On The Go® resources removed after January 15.

Note that while the Annual Affiliate Training & Conference in early March may feel like the unofficial kick-off to the grazing season, it is NOT the deadline for action on your affiliate fee or contract renewal. Please act by January 15!