New affiliate training with hands-on session scheduled for fall!

We’re trying something new! Goats On The Go® will be offering a fresh version of Basic Training for affiliates on September 13-14. Even though all current affiliates have already attended Basic Training, you should think about attending this one. To explain why, check out Aaron Steele’s favorite article format, the FAQ.

Q: Why is GOTG holding a training in the fall?

A: Every summer we hear from lots of people who want to become affiliates, but we tend to lose them when they find out they have to wait until the following March to begin. A fall training gives them the opportunity to get started during the current growing season. An additional training option also gives those affiliates who are behind on their training requirement an opportunity to catch up.

Q: How is the fall training different than the spring training?

A: Because we won’t have to work around Iowa’s unpredictable March weather or our annual one-day conference, the fall training will include a half-day of classroom training and a half-day of hands-on training. That means we’ll be outside actually practicing with portable fencing, and we’ll be working with real, live goats!

Q: What kinds of things will be covered in the hands-on session?

A. We’re planning to practice fence setups in both open and rough terrain, do some electric fence troubleshooting, and address low-stress goat handling, trailer loading, hoof trimming, and a basic introduction to FAMACHA evaluation, plus more!

Q: Why would I want to attend if I’ve already been to the Basic Training?

A: Your affiliate agreement requires you to attend a training event twice during your first two-year term and every-other year thereafter. You can always satisfy that requirement at no cost simply by re-taking the spring Basic Training, but much of it will be a rerun for you. The new format of the fall training should give you a fresh experience and teach you new things. Plus, if Basic Training or the Annual Conference the first weekend of March 2025 comes at a bad time for you, this would be a great substitute.

A final note for those of you who attended your first training in March 2024: many second year affiliates have reported to us that the training had its greatest impact the second time around, after they had a season of business under their belts. You could have that same experience and satisfy the training requirement for the entirety of your first contract term by joining us this fall!

Q: What are the dates of the fall training, and where is it?

A: The fall training is September 13 - 14 in West Des Moines, Iowa. The classroom portion will be on the afternoon of September 13 at West48 (our usual spot). The hands-on session will be held the morning of September 14 at River Heights Ranch in nearby Dallas Center, Iowa (about a 30 minute drive from West48).

Q: Is there a cost to attend?

A: Yes. As you can imagine it’s not cheap to secure two different locations and manage all the logistics of something like this. For existing affiliates the registration fee will be $300. As always, you can bring as many members of your family or team as you like for one registration fee.

Q: How do I register and get more information?

A: Everything you need is on Please register no later than September 1 if you plan to attend. A special rate has been secured for GOTG affiliates at the nearby Sheraton West Des Moines. Use the link on to make your reservation.