What’s new for 2022?

You may still be going strong with your 2021 grazing season, and you have plenty left on your plate for this year. Don’t sweat it. We’re not going to give you anything else to do right now.

But, we do have some new stuff planned for 2022 that you can be thinking about so you’re ready to take action in the coming months:

  • If you are completing the second year of your initial contract with Goats On The Go®, you can take advantage of a built-in, one-year renewal for 2022. Everything stays the same and no new paperwork is required. All you have to do is pay your affiliate fee by January 15 (more on that later).

  • If your contract expires at the end of 2021, we’d love to renew it with you! You’ll be getting an email from us in the next few weeks with more details.

  • Good news, bad news. The good news is our affiliate fees have never gone up since we started the program in 2016, and they won’t go up for new contracts or contract renewals in 2022! The bad news is that we can’t hold out against inflation and other market pressures forever, and affiliate fees will increase for new contracts and contract renewals in 2023. If your current contract expires at the end of this year, now is the time to consider a longer term contract renewal to lock in today’s affiliate fee for future years. More details to come.

  • If you’d like to change the installment schedule for your affiliate fees, you’ll have the option to do so at the end of the year. For 2022 you’ll be able to choose between annual installments of $2000 or monthly installments of $200.

  • We have a new affiliate payment system! All 2022 affiliate fees will be paid on the FarmLaunch.me site with the account log-in you already use to access Goats On The Go® and Sheep On The Go® resources. You will receive an email near the end of 2021 asking you to log-in to the site, select your installment schedule, and pay.

  • The 2022 Goats On The Go® Affiliate Training & Conference is March 4 - 5 in West Des Moines, Iowa! We’ve got some great stuff planned and there will be lots of new faces. Put it on your calendars now!

More explanation of all of these things will be coming your way in the near future, but if you’d like to get details sooner rather than later, contact Aaron Steele.