Check this out: Fenced Area Calculator

So, you’ve just installed a fresh paddock of electric netting on your latest goat grazing project and it was a lot of work. As you wipe the sweat from your brow and the blood from your latest thorn puncture you’re thinking, “I wonder how long until I have to do that again.”

Being a targeted grazing expert, you would be able to predict how many days until your goats need more food if only you knew how much area you just enclosed. Yes, you could walk it with the GPS app on your phone, but you’re exhausted, remember?

Instead, just count up how many fence segments you installed for the length and width of the paddock, and plug those numbers into the handy dandy Fenced Area Calculator spreadsheet that you downloaded from the “Business Tools” section of the website. If you’re using standard Premier 1 fences with 12.5’ spacing between posts, you can even count up the number of installed fence “panels” and plug those numbers into the calculator.

You might also consider using the Fenced Area Calculator to plan out fence installs in advance of arriving at a new project, or even as part of your quote preparations for a new customer. The possibilities are endless! (Not really. That’s about all of them.)