Ask Margaret anything...New Year Edition, this Friday!

We try to have informal, optional video call-ins several times a year so you can chat with other affiliates (sort-of) in person, and get answers to your questions from a Goats On The Go, LC representative. These are usually led by Margaret Chamas, our resident goat expert and former goat grazing affiliate. Thus, “Ask Margaret Anything!”

Margaret will host a call-in this Friday, January 5, at 7 p.m. Central. All topics are up for grabs, but here are some timely things we’ll likely discuss:

  • Information about the upcoming Affiliate Training & Conference in West Des Moines, Iowa, March 1-2;

  • If you’re a new affiliate, how to make use of GOTG’s resources between now and the training event;

  • Off-season business development — winter promotions, site visits, securing projects in advance;

  • Plus, anything you want to talk about!

So, pour yourself a drink, grab a stale Christmas cookie, and settle in next to your computer. See you Friday!