Complete your easy annual report by February 15!

Any GOTG affiliate who operated in 2023 is required by contract to complete an annual report. Sounds scary and time consuming doesn’t it? It’s not!

All you have to do is click the button below and answer the poll questions, which are focused on the types of customers you served in 2023 and how many acres you grazed for each type. What do we mean by “types of customers?” Think back to your GOTG Basic Training when we discussed the concept of “market segmentation.” Or, if remembering things is too heavy of a lift this soon after the holidays, click here for a refresher. You’ll be taken to the market segmentation resource on, so you’ll have to sign in to view it.

It might help to have access to your customer invoices as you complete the poll. But, if you find yourself spending hours digging through records and sweating over the details, you’re overthinking it. This poll should take no more than 20 minutes! Provide the best answers you can, but don’t worry about extreme precision.

We use this information to continually gauge how well we understand GOTG’s customers, and to train new affiliates how to approach their business launch. It is extremely valuable, and it’s required, so please set aside a little time to complete the report by February 15.

Thank you!