LFAQ (Less Frequently Asked Questions) about the Affiliate Training & Conference

We’ve had a few questions pop up about the Affiliate Training & Conference that are not often asked, but that you may also be wondering about. Here goes:

Q: Is it too late to register for the Hands-On Clinic, Basic Training, All-Affiliate Social, or Conference?
A: No. You can register for any of the events right up until the last minute, but we appreciate as much notice as possible so we can get a good estimate of how many people will be there.

Q: Can I get a refund for my Conference registration if something urgent pops up back at my farm and I have to bale out at the last minute?
A: Yes. We cannot promise you a refund for your hotel, however. That’s between you and them.

Q: Do I need to have a payment plan set up on FarmLaunch.me before I register?
A: Yes. Even if you already signed a new or extended/renewed affiliate agreement, you won’t be able to access the registration page until you have created an account on FarmLaunch.me and initiated a payment option for your affiliate fee.

Q: Why is it so important that I attend this thing in person. You’ve heard of Zoom, haven’t you?
A: Everyone has gotten used to doing things remotely, even stuff we would never have dreamed of two years ago. We get it. But as a company we value in-person communication, relationship-building, and learning that we don’t think can be matched with remote attendance. And, it’s a ton of fun to be together.

Q: Will I get to be around goats at the Hands-On Clinic on March 3? The agenda says “weather dependent.”
A: We plan to have goats at the Hands-On Clinic if at all possible. However, that will require a 40 minute trip in a livestock trailer. If the weather will make that trip stressful for the goats, then we will conduct the clinic without them.

Q: What’s the Covid situation in central Iowa?
A: As with much of the country, the Omicron variant has swept through Iowa. Life is pretty normal here, though, with few restrictions or mask requirements in public places. As a company, we will not be requiring masks or proof of vaccination to attend any of the events. We encourage you to take whatever personal precautions make you comfortable, and it’s not a bad idea to have a N95 or equivalent mask with you for the few places that still require them. If you have questions or concerns, contact Aaron Steele (aaron@GoatsOnTheGo.com).

Q: According to my affiliate agreement, I’m due to attend training this year. But, I can’t make it to this one. Are there other options?
A: We’ll figure something out, but you may not find the alternative to be ideal, either. Do your best to make it to the Affiliate Training & Conference in March, but if you absolutely can’t, get in touch with Aaron Steele.

Q: Can I send someone else to training in my place?
A: We’d miss you, but you can satisfy the training requirement in your affiliate agreement by sending any adult who represents your targeted grazing business — a partner, spouse, employee, etc. As a representative of your business, that person would be subject to the same confidentiality and non-compete provisions as you.

We’re looking forward to seeing many of you in a couple of weeks!