Affiliate fees and payment options changing for 2023

Back in 2016 there were moments when you could buy a gallon of gas for well under $2. Really. We looked it up. The national average that year was $2.14 per gallon. Ah, those were the days!

In 2016 Goats On The Go® launched its affiliate program and recruited its first four goat grazing entrepreneurs who took a big risk and trusted their new businesses to our brand, paying us — wait for it — $2000 per year.

That’s right. The annual fee to be a Goats On The Go® affiliate has not changed since the program’s inception, even though we have become a supportive community of over 50 affiliates with access to a wealth of resources and benefits that was virtually non-existent back in 2016.

You probably know where this is headed. In 2023, for the first time, we’ll be raising our prices. What does that mean for you?

  • If the term of your active affiliate agreement includes 2023 your affiliate fee will remain unchanged.

  • If you are approaching the end of your first two-year agreement, you have the option to extend it for one additional year at today’s price. It’s built right into your contract.

  • If you are approaching the end of a second or third agreement, and there is no option for extension written into your contract, you will be subject to the new pricing when you sign a new agreement for 2023.

So what is the new price? Those subject to the new affiliate fee in 2023 will pay $2,200 annually.

We’re also making a couple of other changes. Beginning in 2023 we will not be offering a monthly payment option for new contracts. If you have an active affiliate agreement that covers 2023 and you currently pay monthly, you will still be able to pay monthly for the remainder of your current agreement’s term.

Finally, if you’ve been an affiliate in good standing with a history of paying your affiliate fees on time for a year or more, you’ll have the option to pay your affiliate fee in quarterly installments. We understand that even very successful businesses can have cash flow challenges, especially when their revenue is seasonal. This option should help with that. A small additional fee may apply to this option to help cover the costs of the extra transactions.

It’s a different world than it was in 2016, but it’s a world that values targeted grazing even more than it did then! We’re looking forward to meeting that demand together!