Virtual affiliate meet-up this Friday

For many of us, the light is visible at the end of the tunnel, signaling that our grazing seasons will be drawing to a close in the next six weeks or so. Others of you may only be a little more than half-way through.

Either way, it’s a good time for a virtual affiliate meet-up (the people are real, the meet-up will be virtual)! Join us this Friday, September 10 at 6 p.m. Central, to see each other webcam to webcam, hear each other’s digitally transmitted voices, share victories and challenges, and ask questions. Click the link below to join the Zoom meeting.

Attendance at the meet-up is completely optional, and it will be very casual. Grab your dinner and gather around the laptop to start your weekend. We’ll try to keep it to an hour or less, and you can come and go as you please.

We’re looking forward to seeing you!