Affiliate Social: networking for people who hate networking

Do you hate the idea of “networking?” When you hear the word do you envision putting on a fake smile and psyching yourself up to approach a stranger with a business card and some lame small talk? Me too.

Fortunately, that’s not what the GOTG Affiliate Social on Friday night, March 7 is about. Instead, think of it as a group of friends you haven’t met yet, who all share the same interests as you! You can talk about goats endlessly with this crowd and no one will think you’re crazy!

The Affiliate Social serves several important purposes:

  1. It allows conversations that were started earlier in the day at the Basic Training to continue;

  2. It makes a fun transition from Friday’s brain-wrinkling rush of business information to Saturday’s wide-ranging conference content;

  3. It introduces new affiliates to more experienced ones just rolling into town for Saturday’s conference;

  4. It allows attendees to talk goats to their hearts’ content…with a beer!

The social is extremely casual, and it begins right after the Basic Training at 5 p.m. in the same venue (West48). If your kids are traveling with you and you can pull them away from the hotel pool, they’re welcome to attend the social. The venue includes ping pong, foosball, and other games that go well with kids and casual conversation.

If you didn’t include the Affiliate Social when you registered, it’s not too late! Just click the button below to return to the registration system on and punch in your details. We’d love to see you there!