2023 is near, and there is something you need to do! Yes, you!

As 2022 wraps up, you might be thinking, “Now I can relax since I have no GOTG responsibilities to worry about for awhile.”

We want you to relax. You earned it! But unless you are a brand new Goats On The Go® affiliate, there is one more thing you need to do to complete the year and reset for 2023 — attend to your 2023 contract and payment by January 15!

You should have received an email message from Aaron Steele or Margaret Chamas telling you exactly what action to take, but here’s the breakdown:

  1. For those affiliates whose contracts are expiring (inclusive of any extensions built into their contracts), we’d love for you to continue your targeted grazing business with Goats On The Go®! You should have received an email with a link in it to e-sign a new, one-year agreement. All you have to do is click, sign, and then log-in to FarmLaunch.me and pay the 2023 affiliate fee. If you’ve decided not to continue in 2023, please contact us. We won’t try to change your mind, but we want to give you a proper goodbye.

  2. For those affiliates who have completed their first two years, all you need to do is email us saying whether you plan to take advantage of the built-in one year extension, then follow the link in the email you received to pay the same affiliate fee you paid in years one and two. No new paperwork is needed. We’d love to have you continue operating as a GOTG affiliate in 2023! But, even if you don’t plan to continue we’d appreciate a message to that effect.

  3. For those affiliates who just finished their first year, you only need to pay your 2023 affiliate fee. Follow the link in the email you received to the payment option you prefer.

If you can’t find the email we sent you with your customized instructions, or if you have any questions, send a message to Margaret at support@GoatsOnTheGo.com and she’ll walk you through it.

Thank you all for trusting your business to the Goats On The Go® brand in 2022. The work you’re doing is important, and we’re glad you’re doing it as part of the GOTG family!