2023 Affiliate Training & Conference FAQ

The 2023 edition of the annual Goats On The Go® Affiliate Training & Conference is less than a month away. If you haven’t registered yet, what are you waiting for? Perhaps you have unanswered questions. FAQ to the rescue!

Q: What are the dates of the Training & Conference?
A: Friday, March 3 (Affiliate Basic Training and All-Affiliate Social), Saturday, March 4 (Affiliate Conference). Click here for an overview and to download an agenda.

Q: Where is the Training & Conference?
A: All events will be held at West48 Conference Center (1601 48th St, #100) in West Des Moines, Iowa.

Q: Where can I find details about travel, accommodations, and things to do?
A: FarmLaunch.me

Q: Is there a “Conference Hotel”?
A: No, not really. There are many good hotels within a short drive from West48. However, because it’s the only hotel within walking distance to West48, we have negotiated a special rate for our affiliates at the Sheraton West Des Moines. That rate is only available until February 10, so don’t wait!

Q: What can I attend, and what do I have to attend?
A: All events are open to all affiliates. If you are a new affiliate you are required to attend the Basic Training on Friday, March 3. All other affiliates can satisfy their training requirements by attending either the Basic Training or the Conference (or both!). Remember, your affiliate agreement requires you to attend training in your first two years and every-other year thereafter.

Q: Is there a fee for any of the events?
A: The Basic Training and Social are free to attend. The Conference has a $200 registration fee per affiliate (bring as many representatives from your targeted grazing business as you like for one fee).

Q: Do I have to register even if I’m only attending the free stuff?
A: Yes, please! Registering for each event you plan to attend helps us with our planning.

Q: Can I bring people with me?
A: We encourage you to bring multiple representatives from your targeted grazing business at no extra charge. Family members, employees, etc. are all welcome — anyone you would consider to be part of your team.

Q: Can kids come along?
A: All of the events involve intense learning that young children would likely have trouble sitting through. If you have older kids (roughly middle school and up) that will be a part of your business, bring them!

Q: What’s the dress code?
A: No dress code, just a few recommendations. All events will take place entirely inside. Dress casually and comfortably. We’ll take plenty of breaks, but there will be a fair bit of sitting. If you’re staying at the Sheraton and plan to walk to and from the event venue, be sure to bring outerwear suitable for Iowa’s highly variable March weather.

Q: Are meals on my own?
A: We’ll provide snacks and drinks but meals, including lunch on Friday and Saturday, are on your own. We find that most attendees need a long lunch break away from the conference center to mentally recharge. There are lots of restaurants near the conference center.

Q: Tell me more about the All-Affiliate Social.
A: That’s not technically a question, but here goes: the social is the highlight of the weekend for many people. It’s simply a time to visit with other affiliates, ask questions, share experiences, and enjoy some appetizers and drinks. This year it will begin right after the Basic Training finishes (5:00-ish), but you don’t have to attend the Basic Training to come. If you’re attending the Conference on Saturday, plan to arrive in town early enough on Friday evening to join the party!

Q: My affiliate agreement says I need to attend a large project session in order to do projects 10 acres or bigger. Will that session be part of the Training & Conference.
A: Not this year. We’ve bumped it to make room for other good stuff. Instead, we’ll be offering the large project training remotely (by Zoom) in late March or early April. There will be no cost to attend.

Q: How do I register, and what’s the deadline?
A: Click the button below to register. You’ll add each event to your cart (even the free ones) just like any online store. Always enter “1” for the quantity. You’ll be cued to indicate how many team members from your business will attend before you check out. It would be extremely helpful to us if you register by February 15.